2018.Performance at the entrance of the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
The work explores the boundaries and intersections of public and private spaces while challenging the limits of meaning in institutional communication.The paradigm of “privately owned public spaces (POPS), designed for passive recreation/interaction, constitutes the frame within which to perform a passiveness looking for the invisible meanings and constraints in the public sphere.
Taking as a point of departure the plaque on the Whitney Museum’s sidewalk stetting “Whitney Museum of American Art. Private Property. Access is by "Revocable License Only” and the banners around the museum’s with the messages “Feel Home Here”; “ Feel Local Here” and “Feel New York”; I decided to explore both physical and semantic meanings of space and institutional communications. By entering the privately owned sidewalk around the museum, wearing a banner that replicated the aesthetic and message of the institutions, I wanted to address the limits between public and private spaces in conjunction with the direction of “feeling home here”.
Esta acción investiga los límites e intersección entre el espacio público y el privado, a la vez que cuestiona el sentido e intencionalidad de la comunicación institucional del museo. El paradigma representado por los "espacios público de propiedad privada" ( POPS por sus siglas en inglés), diseñados intencionalmente para un ocio e interacciones pasivas, constitute el marco idóneo para desarrollar una acción pasiva que explora los significados y restricciones dentro de la esfera pública.