Gender inequality is embodied in the public space through monuments that inscribe history into public consciousness. The way in which women are represented in the public space as well as in the official discourse of history reflects socio-historical conflicts arising from the inequality between men and women.This piece addresses New York’s political public space where of 207 figural statues,130 represent male figures and only 5 depict actual historical women. This work has been exhibited in Génerx: del dicho al hecho at Instituto Cervantes New York.
La desigualdad de género está materializada en el espacio público a través de los monumentos, que inscriben la historia en la conciencia colectiva. Las formas mediantes las que la mujer está representada en el espacio público y en el relato oficial sobre la historia, reflejan los conflictos socio-políticos que resultan de la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Esta pieza aborda el espacio político de la Nueva York, en el que de 207 estatuas figurativas, 130 representan a hombres, mientras que sólo 5 encarnan a mujeres. Esta obra ha formado parte de la exposición Génerx: del dicho al hecho en el Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York.
Black& White Photography, digital print. Dimensions: 20 x 30 in (each)
Politics of Inequality. Installation. Dimensions: variable.
Génerx: del dicho al hecho is an exhibition that analyzes the problematics of gender representation in the Spanish language, highlighting the connotations that underlie most binary definitions that our language has assimilated throughout its history. Currently studied in linguistics, visual arts, history, and philosophy by authors such as Judith Butler and Paul B. Preciado, gender and its representation through language influence how we analyze the construction of individual and social identity. Génerx: del dicho al hecho presents works which explore the mechanism between speech and action. The exhibition serves as a starting point from which we may reflect on the peculiarities of our language in relation to gender. For example, Spanish nouns are gendered, which can create an imbalance that results in a discriminatory discourse. The written word becomes present in the exhibition, exploring the visual and literal implications of gender. The distinction between masculine and feminine words emphasizes the different roles the two genders have in society, from both historical and modern perspectives. The binary nature of such a classification within language leaves out other possibilities and ignores the realities of genderqueer and gender fluidity. Using the word as a mediator and common thread, this exhibition presents the work of different artists whose experiences with problematic words and texts suggest opportunities for linguistic revision. Artists visualize data, analyze grammatical and cultural roots, unveil the violence behind certain words, and propone alternatives for a more neutral language.
The exhibition features works by Oihana Cordero (Spain), Arisleyda Dilone (Dominican Republic), Camilo Godoy (Colombia), Garazi Lara Icaza (Spain), Liz Misterio (México), and Irene Mohedano (Spain). Curated by Noelia Lecue Francia
Exhibition: Génerx: del dicho al hecho. Instituto Cervantes of New York. February 2018
Politics of Inequality. Detail of 135 concrete pedestals. 2.2 x 2.2 in (each)